Edmund Evans

Edmund Evans (1826–1905)

Edmund Evans was not illustrator but engraver and printer. I don't know who actually draw the illustration above, but I can tell it was made in very tight cooperation with Evans who worked with top illustrators of his time.

Let me name a few of them: Walter Crane, Kate Greenaway, Richard Doyle, John Tenniel, Randolph Caldecott, Beatrix Potter...

Everybody who knows anything about the history of illustration can add only WOW!

Let's check the illustration which is credited to Edmund Evans but is probably made by somebody else at first and engraved by him later. This is scene from Bluebeard:

Edmund Evan was a pioneer in color printing. His techniques revolutionized the business of piucture books because he moved the standards on much higher level.

His biggest helper in this field was probably Walter Crane, who wasn't only a great illustrator but also a designer who was always thinking about possible improvements of every single detail. These two guys were in disagreement several times because Crane was more of the artist who was always seeking for perfection and Evans more of a businessman who was willing to sacrifice a thing or two for bigger profit.

But together they made a great team and if we want to understand why a modern picture book looks like it looks now they are probably the main reason.

Edmund Evans - man, who created modern picture books business.
